Crestview Christian Homeschool Academy Cooperative Crestview Christian Homeschool Academy Cooperative Crestview Christian Homeschool Academy Cooperative Crestview Christian Homeschool Academy Cooperative Crestview Christian Homeschool Academy Coopertive


Welcome to Crestview Christian Homeschool Academy Cooperative
Psalm 121

Our mission is to glorify God by building an intentional community to facilitate the success
of homeschooling families through educational and social experiences.

We believe homeschooling is a home-based, parent-directed, privately funded, Christ-centered education. To that end, our group meets together to build community through fellowship and through classes that are designed to complement (not replace) parent efforts to homeschool and to encourage parents as they observe the Biblical commands to train their children. Deut. 6:6-7 states, These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down, and when you get up. Prov. 1:8 says, Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction & do not forsake your mother's teaching.

We serve the Greenville South Carolina area homeschool community

Co-op Dates

2024-2025 Class Dates:

Fall 2024 Sept. 5 - Nov. 21 

Spring 2025: Jan. 9 -March 27

Thursdays: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm



We serve Greenville South Carolina and surrounding areas and are based in Greer, South Carolina

We meet at Riverside Baptist Church, located at 1249 Suber Road. While we’re not affiliated with RBC, we are truly grateful for their generosity in allowing us to meet here. Kindly refrain from contacting the church directly. or dropping in. Thank you!

For any inquiries, please reach out to us at [email protected]

Parking is on the north side (right side of the church when facing the church)

Please do not use the church staff parking spaces next to the building

CCA Media Pages (Click on Image)

Facebook Responds to Viral Netflix Doc 'The Social Dilemma'

Our teachers

LOVE their subject

LOVE children &



Where is the Crestview Christian Homeschool Cooperative located?

We’re based in Greer, South Carolina, and meet at Riverside Baptist Church, located at 1249 Suber Road. While we’re not affiliated with RBC, we are truly grateful for their generosity in allowing us to meet here. Kindly refrain from contacting the church directly or dropping in, Thank you!

For any inquiries, please reach out to us at [email protected].


What day of the week and what months does the cooperative meet?

We meet on Thursdays during the school year from 9:00-2:00.

Our first day of the semester typically starts on the first Thursday of  September and we meet for 12 consecutive weeks for the fall semester. We resume classes for our members in the Spring which typically start on the first Thursday in January and we meet for 12 consecutive weeks. See our website for the exact dates for this year.


Can members register for just one class?

Yes, all of our classes are a la carte. You can choose one class or stay all day.

Do I need to stay all day?

Members are welcome to stay all day or come and go.  We have assembly and lunch each week and members are welcome to join us. We do not have an opt-out fee, but do require a small amount of flexible service time options throughout the year. 

Are member classes all year or just the semester?

Member classes are for a full year and several classes can be joined throughout the year. If you see it as open you may register.

How do I become a member and register?

Registration Instructions: (Once registration is open)

Step 1: Review and agree to our Statement of Faith, Review and agree to our handbook. Then request to JOIN (upper right-hand corner) Then wait for 

            approval. Please do not click join until you are ready to pay. (This is located in the upper right-hand corner when open enrollment is available) This

            process takes 24-48 hours.  

Step 2: Follow the directions carefully at the top of the member's application.  (ie. photo, pay fee, Sign Up for Genius Commitments, etc.) If steps are

            skipped this will delay your approval to register for classes. 

Step 3: Pay the invoice for (SCF)(s) 

Step 4: Once your PayPal for (SCF) has been accepted by CCA and service hours are signed up for you will receive an approval email to register for


Step 5: Register for classes under our membership "Registration Tab".  Once completed your invoice is ready to be paid in the upper right-hand corner of the website.

Step 6: Pay your membership class invoice(s) (located on the top menu bar of the website) Classes will not be held unless payment is made.

Step 7: Join our community Facebook Page Here (You will find us under "CCA Community") Members only

Step 8: Like our Public Facebook Page here & Like our Instagram page.

Please email any questions to [email protected]



Still, have questions? Please email us at: [email protected]

Do members need to agree with the Statement of Faith?

Yes, the Statement of Faith can be found here. We are a Christ-centered cooperative with like-minded families.

Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Philippians 4:1-2

Do I have to volunteer?

Yes, we are cooperative and all members volunteer. We want to get to know you and the best way to do this is by serving together.  If you have children who are not in classes they are welcome to come with you and help.  The volunteer commitment time is 8 service points which can be found in the newsletter under the Sign-Up-Genius link. There are lots of options and ways to serve and we have done our best to make this flexible and allow you to choose what works best for your schedule. Please keep in mind this is the minimum commitment, and many of our members choose to serve over and above what is required.

We do not have an opt-out fee. We are a cooperative that builds community.


How much are the classes and membership fee?

Class registration and fees are listed on our website under the "Class Registration" tab. This tab is available when registration is open. Please click on the class to find the information. (Fee is listed to the far right)

Our Student Commitment Fee is also located on the first page of the website when we are accepting new members. 

Our existing members receive a discount on our Student Commitment Fee (SCF) as well as registration for classes. 


Do I have to teach at the cooperative?    

Although we are a cooperative you are not required to teach, but we do have members who teach. If you are not teaching we would love for you to use your gifts and talents in various areas of your choice to serve our families. As a member, you are welcome to stay on campus and build community or come and go as needed.  We are a community and want to support your homeschool efforts and come alongside you. 

What is the difference between Student Committment Fee and Registration?

The Student Commitment Fee is the cost per student for your family to join Crestview. Once you are a member you will be allowed to register and participate in our community annually.

Registration cost is the cost for each member for a specific class. 

Materials Fee is the cost for materials for a specific class.  

We do not have a family fee to help offset the cost for families with multiple children.


Do you have preschool classes?

No, we do not have preschool classes. There are lots of class opportunities for preschool classes throughout the Greenville area We do have park days for preschoolers and they are welcome to participate in Crestview activities. 

What curriculum is used?  

Our cooperative classes are designed to complement, not replace, parents’ efforts to homeschool their children, and are taught from a biblical worldview. We offer enrichment and academic classes for Kindergarten through High School, available in both collegiate style and à la carte formats. This means families can choose as few or as many classes as they need.

Many of our classes offer a full-based curriculum, which includes activities, text, media, assignments, and projects, all from a biblical perspective. While some classes are based on Classical, Charlotte Mason, or Unit studies foundations, all courses emphasize experiential learning. Each class is unique and has different requirements, which are detailed in the course descriptions on our website under the “Registration” tab. Here, you can also find information on required materials, curriculum, and class costs.

Is there a dress code? 

Yes, see Crestview Christian Homeschool Academy Cooperative Handbook Code of Community Conduct Policies & Guidelines under the CCA Handbook tab on the website from the homepage. 

Is Crestview a business?

Crestview Christian Homeschool Cooperative is a 501(c)3 non-profit homeschool ministry. It is a board-driven and board-directed cooperative. 

Who is the director of Crestview?

Crestview has never had one director since its inception, but rather a Shepherding Board of Directors (SBOD). These directors are all volunteers and serve the Lord by supporting the cooperative ministry. The directors of the cooperative oversee the mission, purpose, members, and administration and approve all functions of the cooperative. 

The SBOD articulates the mission and develops strategies to achieve it. The SBOD monitors and holds all leaders accountable for doing their job. This is done by leading by example, then delegating and monitoring. The SBOD oversees and ensures good stewardship of resources, and maintains financial accountability and solvency which is done by approving and overseeing the annual budget. The SBOD also ensures legal compliance, obeying laws, making good judgments, setting aside personal interests, and acting in the best interest of ministering to our members. The SBOD ensures there are no conflicts of interest and ensures full disclosure of conflicts between outside organizations.  At Crestview, we are a board-driven and board-directed cooperative. 

Shepherd the flock of God among you, exercising oversight not under compulsion, but voluntarily, according to the will of God; and not for sordid gain, but with eagerness; nor yet as lording it over those allotted to your charge, but proving to be examples to the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory. 1 Peter 5:2-4

Take a moment to thank and encourage our directors to press on. 

New to Homeschooling in South Carolina?

Below is a list of resources/links that can be helpful on your homeschool journey:

  • HSLDA has a great website...

    • Getting Started Here

    • Ready to roll  Here

  • The South Carolina Homeschooling Connection Here

  • SC State 

    • Explains the options in SC to homeschool Here (Most of our parents choose option 3)

    • List of Homeschool Accountability or Association Groups  Here

    • Graduation Requirements for Public School Diploma Here

Where do I find Homeschool Accountability or Association Groups?

List of Homeschool Accountability or Association Groups  Here

Explains the options in SC to homeschool Here (Most of our parents choose option 3)

What is the typical grade course study for my child?

See the link for the grade course study Here